
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

baby bump

look who's popped up over at humble bumble today! my little lady friend brenda is the best!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

adventure time

today the boy and I went on a bike ride adventure.

we saw:
crazy kids at the park
a man sitting on a sea wall with no legs
a tiny crab
a man fishing for jelly fish
a manatee
a chicken crossing the road
a giant bug in my eye
17 dogs and more cats that we could count
a really cute dog obsessed with eating bird poop
& lots of people fishing

all in the matter of about 2 hours. it was quite an adventure. i love out town.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

DIY: kate spade earrings

after stumbling over these adorable kate spade earring on pinterest and almost passing out over the $58 price tag, i decided that a DIY was in order!

i actually had a pair of wooden ball earring in the my jewelry box that i rarely wore.  as i did more research on the designer pair i realized that they were wooden domes as apposed to full balls, but i knew mine would work.

then for the color.  i debated for a while what medium to use and then settled on nail polish.  it was the perfect choice.  i picked my favorite color out of my collection...essie turquoise & caicos and set to work painting only half of the ball. and here is my finished kate spade knock off earrings!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

rainbow chain bracelet

after totally crushing on these aurélie biderman bracelets and telling myself that i was going to follow honestly wtf's diy for what feels like months now, i finally got shit done! i had a necklace that was begging to be deconstructed for this project and god knows that i have more embroidery thread that one non-embroider needs. the tutorial was very easy to follow, and after about twenty minutes of braiding and's what i have:

thrifty finds

i had some serious luck the other day at the thrift store.
i think it was the thrift gods in my corner...i haven't been in a really long time, 
so i was due for some seriously amazing stuff.

i have been crushing on pyrex a lot lately and when i saw this
beauty from across the kitchen isle i freaked out!
i was just shy of pushing little old ladies out of my way
so that i could guarantee that mine would be the first hands to grab it.

it was filthy. but under the dirt, caked on grease, 
and chunks of questionable dried food bits, i knew she was a beauty.
so i tried the old baking soda peroxide trick....and viola! 

i also saw this beautiful pot tucked into some other larger ugly pots.
i first noticed the beautiful turquoise color popping through a crack in some lids.
i literally crawled on the floor in between two ladies arguing over a blender,
(did i mention that all this took place on senior citizen day?)
and dug it out of the mess of wrinkled up panty hoed legs, pots and pans and mismatched lids.
i pulled it out and jumped to my feet and shouted from excitement! 

this shout was like firing a gun in a field full of zombies! 
a really good way to draw attention to your fabulous luck. 
by the time i had made it back to the cart that was parked 2 feet away from me...
the vultures were swarming.

i actually had a man take the pyrex bowl out of my cart
and tell me that i shouldn't buy it.  he then tried to take the pot out of my hands.
i must of shoot him an "i will cut you" look. 
i am sure i said something smart assed to go along with that look.

i was a great trip. vintage kitchen goods, old ladies legs, and zombie vultures. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

in an ocean of vintage fabric.

the south florida summer heat has been creeping up on us very quickly this year. it has been HOT! nothing goes better with that heat than a new pair of shorts.  a new pair of free shorts are even better.  

for my birthday my friend christine gave me a ton of beautiful vintage fabric! i knew that it needed a special project.  fast forward to two weeks ago... after a pinterest rant on high waisted shorts, my friend brenda offered to let my borrow her fool proof high waisted shorts pattern (simplicity #3758). 

so after a little love from some friends, stitching, nipping, and tucking...viola! the perfect high waisted sfl summer short! 

p.s. lets not pay attention to how crooked the painting in the back round is! yikes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

easter projects recap

the boy and i had so much fun crafting all day this past friday getting ready to easter. 

first we made little bunnies for the table. we made these using recycled toilet paper tubes, a little white paint, pink chalk, googlie eyes, and cotton balls. these would also have been our napkin holders if we would have had easter dinner.  although i guess i could have spruced up the chinese take out with them. haha

we attempted some ombré easter eggs with homemade dye.  i forgot how easy it was to make you own egg dye. simply 1 cup hot water, 1 tbsn vinegar, and food dye. 

then we made a mosaic easter egg picture. i let the boy tear up some tissue paper and then watered down some glue and let him paint the shreds on to construction paper. so cute and so simple.

10 things i couldn't live without this week:

1. broken car A/C i wish i had car A/C
2. the hubs did the easter basket shopping this year.  i just couldn't find the time to get alone and too the store. but i will tell you what...he may be doing it every year! he got great stuff for the boy, but here is the kicker....he knew that we were not going to be able to fill that basket full of candy with out devouring some our self, so he bought candy for us to eat while we were playing easter bunny! love that man! he knows me and my sweet tooth far too well!
3. i borrowed a pattern for some super cute shorts from a friend...they are almost finished!
4. i had a great all day date with the boy on wednesday.  gym, coffee, story time, happy meals, thrift store, ice was a great day!
5. i can't tell you how excited i am about my amazing vintage kitchen ware finds! i was so lucky this week! i can't stop starring at the cabinets! haha
6. we met up with my dad, stepmom, and baby sister on thursday at Seaworld! it's my new/old favorite place! it was my favorite as a kid and now it's my favorite place to take my kid!
7. the hubs had a friend over for a paint/skate man-date. it was so nice to see him getting "him" time.  doesn't hurt that his buddy sam is a great guy!
8. surfing is not like riding a bike. it's been around 8 years since i have surfed on a regular basis. needless to say it felt great to get my board in the water on sunday, but i got my butt kicked! drank a lot of sea water. at one point when the life guards started blowing their whistles at me i thought it was because they were going to come rescue me....they just wanted me to move. i felt a bit defeated and the hubs had to have a conversation with me about my "bad attitude" (which i was later able to laugh at - i was really embarrassed by my poor performance). moral of the story....i need to surf try not to drown practice more.
9. i can even begin to tell you how lucky i am to have a husband that is good in emergency situations.  the dog ran full speed into the boy last night, resulting in a face slammed into the concrete.  needless to say there was a skinned face, busted lip, and a whole lot of tears.  what do i do? panic, turn white at the sight of the boys blood, and have to leave the room while the initial assessment is made so that i don't freak the poor kid out. the hubs, on the other had, must have been a paramedic in a former life. he just jumped right into that bloody mess and saved the day.
10. we had the most unconventional easter sunday supper of my entire life.  after all the chaos settled down with the boys face, we were hungry and it was late.  too late to really start cooking dinner. a good fact to know: chinese take out delivers on easter.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

thankful thursday


recognition. just how aware of your own happiness are you? how aware of your expressions of gratitude are you? is all of your recognition of thanks and praise kept in a selfish place? tucked deep down inside so that you don't have to share it with the world? who benefits from that? 

hiding your gratitude does nothing. no one will ever know that you appreciate the things that you have, the things that are done for you, or just life in general.  i have a problem of really wearing my emotions on my sleeve, but this emotion, i urge you to put this one out there.  why not share it with everyone you meet. 

there is a novel idea...sharing gratitude. pass it on. maybe someone needs the acknowledgement more then you know.  the lovely ladies over at 365grateful, whom i find everyday inspiration from, have come up with an amazing challenge this month. HUGS! why not? they are challenging us to 8 a day. read here to find out the reasons why. it's science folks.

meanwhile, shout it out from the roof tops! if you have something to be happy or thankful about, tell someone. hug someone. tell someone while you are hugging them.  and be warned, if you are within arms reach of me, brace your self for a hug. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

comic store love

i was so honored when my sweet friend brenda asked me to photograph her pregnant belly!! we knew that we had to do something fun and different this being her first little boy! so since her and her hubs love comics and all things geek-chic i knew that tate's comics was the perfect place! here are a few of my favorites!

noodle dogs

so i saw these on pinterest the other day and knew that i had to try them out for the boy! they were super easy and he loves them! and i quote: "mommy, you are hilarious!" exactly the response i was hoping for!

simple insert raw pasta into raw cut up dogs...cook... and viola! noodle dogs!