
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday

How often do you stop to take in the majesty of our planet? Like really stop, reflect, and take it all in.

One week ago today, it all hit me. I live in a beautiful part of Florida, surrounded by beaches and tropical wildlife.  But that's my normal. I am so used to it that it has lost it's "awe" if you will. But there is so much more out there, beyond the palm trees and flat wet lands.

I was on a very very early morning flight across the country to spend an amazing long weekend in Lake Tahoe working with my best friend. So things were already looking pretty good for me... but then flying high somewhere between Ft. Lauderdale, FL and Houston, TX I decided to pry open my tiny window and was blown away with the amazing sight out side.

We were being chased by the rising sun.  A beautiful orange glow was breaking through sheets of purple haze and white blankets of clouds.  From this point on I was glued to that window.

I have always loved looking out the window on airplanes, but i think before it was an escape from the claustrophobic cabin.  This time I was taking it all in! Every second of the decent into Houston the  picture outside changed and filled my head with inspiration and awe.

The sun began to break through the clouds and pour streams on light over the land making long shadows and pools of orange and gold.  The patterns and textures created by the fields and streams we all set a glow by the early morning sun.

Maybe it was the 3am wake up time mixed with more coffee than should be consumed by one human that early, or maybe it was being chased by the rising sun, but the whole thing became a very existential experience.

I could go on and on for days about the amazing sights of Lake Tahoe, but today I wanted to share just one thing.  As if someone or something was trying to put a picture to a perfect ending of the day, this was the sunset that i was privy to viewing after a long day of traveling with the rising sun.  I am pretty sure this is where the lyrics "purple mountain majesty" come from!

So to sum it all up, today's thankful thursday is dedicated to the wonders of our beautiful planet, the amazing family that I have who always support my travels and adventures, and having the worlds best friend who was able to share all of these breath taking moments with me.  Never overlook the beauty all around you and shout it from the mountain tops how thankful you are!