
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Have a creepy Halloween! {free download}

It the spirit of all things creepy I made this little printable PDF for your 
Halloween decorating! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

DIY: Creepy Crawly Halloween Wreath

I just love Halloween!
Pretty much as soon as October hits,
 you can bet your bottom that I am scouring the house looking for 
something to spray pain gold or black.
Fall DIY's make me so happy because they give me good reason to 
celebrate the creepy and weird.

As I was cleaning out the boys room the other day,
we landed on a bin of forgotten plastic animals, insects, and dinos.
The boy and I decided that he's outgrown playing with these and we were about to 
dump them all in the donation bin when the DIY light bulb went off.

I pulled out all of the creepy crawly snakes and spiders and set them aside.
We also decided to keep two special dinos 
that were destined for a new paint job as well.

So here is what you will need:

Enough plastic toys to cover your wreath
black spray paint
hot glue gun and glue
Rubbing alcohol

Step One:

First I gave all the plastic toys a good rub down with 
a clean rag and alcohol. 
 I had to remove all those grubby finger prints from years of play.
Then I wrapped the snakes around the wreath and began to glue them down.
I glued the spiders down to fill in the gaps.

Step Two:

I then gave the wreath a
few light coats of flat black paint,
making sure to let the paint drybetween coats.
And that's it.  Easy, up cycled, and spooky!
