
Thursday, April 24, 2014

DIY: hanging succulent baskets

At this point I don't think that I need to 
tell anyone who reads here regularly that 
I am jumping up and down for spring! 

In this house,
spring = plants... 
it also equals yard sales.
Two of my favorite things.
About a month ago I found this amazing 
vintage tri-level basket hanger.
You know the kind that hangs in the kitchens of 
hipsters and grandmothers everywhere?
I've been dying for one, and when I 
saw this one for less that $1
I had to have it, even though there was no where
in my kitchen to hang it.

That's where this project came from.
A way to have lots of beautiful succulents 
on our tiny apartment balcony….
all wrapped up in an adorable hanging basket.
So here's a simple gardening DIY! 
Hope you enjoy!

What You Will Need:

Some sort of hanging basket
Coconut husk liners 
cactus soil
enough succulents for fill your baskets

Step 1:

First I fit my coconut liners into the baskets.
This took quite a bit of cutting and manipulating.
I used a total of 2 liners for this project.
The middle liner needed quite a bit cut off that I
used in the top tier.

Step 2:

Then I filled each basket about 2/3 full of soil.

Step 3:

I next arranged each of the succulents 
in their respective baskets while there were still in
their individual containers.

I had a pretty good idea of 
where each plant was going to go when 
I was purchasing them,
making sure to get a good variety 
of tall and short plants
as well as getting some with some hang to them.

Step 4:

After breaking down each root ball
to allow the plants to breath a bit,
I carefully arranged each
plant into its new home.

I made sure to give the succulents some space
so that as they grow they can fill in the baskets.

Step 5:

After everyone was in their new homes,
I gave them a heavy spray down
with a water bottle. 
Took a few steps back.
And fell in love! 


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