
about me

Hi! thanks for stopping by! i'm erin, the creator of turquoise violets. i am a stay at home mom with a passion for living a homemade life. everything that you find here is heavily inspired by my family, not just the boy, the hubs, and stella (our dog) but also all of my extended family. i come from a long line of incredibly talented DIYers (before DIYing was cool). 

i am a lover of color, all things baked, and i am a complete sucker for just about anything turquoise (however my favorite color is purple). i am the captain of having a million projects going at once, but love sharing my finished projects here with you! be sure to check out my DIY section for some inspiration.

i love taking photographs and have been known to throw together a photo shoot or two.  i also am a bit obsessed with beauty and fashion, although on most days you will find me in jeans and a tee with my hair all a mess.

i also run an etsy store with a collection of my handmade and vintage treasures. everything that you find in my store is something that spoke to me and brought a smile to my face. i hope it does the same for you!

it's the simple things in life that bring me the most joy. and my goal in life is to make sure that the people that supply all that joy know how much i appreciate it. showing gratitude everyday in one way or another is the key to my happiness.

thanks for visiting! please contact me if you have any questions, ideas, or just want to say HI!