Tuesday, May 31, 2011

20 days of praise: the hubs

i recently read about a woman who is doing a 365 day project on gratitude, here's her story:

i fell in love with her entire project and knew immediately that i had to do something like it. what better subject matter than the hubs. when it comes to mom blogs, the "hubs" are generally a side note, but in honor i father's day i will be featuring the "20 days of praise: a photo project on gratitude".

i invite and encourage you all to try a small gratitude project of your own. it has really opened my eyes to the small wonders. these are the 20 that i am most thankful for.

dearest hubs,
i love all the little
things you do.


  1. This is an amazing project. I look forward to reading about it as you go.

  2. This is awesome! It's amazing how simple it is and how much you can get from it. Absolutely love it!


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